Channel: Lilik Muallif
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: jaring ikan besarfish trapfishing togetherfish catchnelayan gotong royongnet fishingtareik phukattarek pukatbig fishing netlarge netnelayan acehmenjala bersamajaring daratacehaceh lokal wisdomaceh fishing communityaceh fishermanbig catchsumatera fishermenaceh traditional fishermenkebersamaan nelayan tradisipull the trawl netkerjasama nelayanaceh fishermen mutual cooperationhow to catch aceh fishermen
Description: Tarek Pukat. It is an Aceh fisherman's activity. Nets fishing with large nets. This is about work with togetherness.The activities carried out together became an arena for Acehnese social interaction, especially in fishermen circles. A boat and a large net are needed. 8 to 10 people (Fisherman) do/participant this.It is a typical sight in Aceh. For this Acehnese community. It's local wisdom revived by the spirit of mutual cooperation. --------------------------------------------- Other Fishing Video : - Catch Black Marlin Fish - Menangkap Ikan dengan Jala Besar - Nelayan Tarek Pukat - Cerita Nelayan Aceh - Fishing Over The Bridge??? Get Strike With Triple Hooks - Strike Ikat GT dengan Umpan Buatan - Berburu Sarang Kerang Hijau --------------------------------------------- Thanks For Watching. Pls, Subscribe, Like and Share